Syndication information
Please read the following syndication information to confirm whether the type of usage you require is allowed. In some cases it is not necessary to contact us for permission to use our content – please read this carefully to confirm if so. Tribune Content Agency handle our syndication requests and they can be contacted at:
Commercial Use
As copyright owners, the publisher of 91av is able to license non-exclusive copyright on the majority of our content to other parties. Please email Tribune Content Agency at to get a quote and discuss further.
Academic use
Academic organisations may reproduce our content free of charge provided 91av is clearly credited as the source. No permission is required for this.
Web reuse – if you wish to use our content on your website or blog, you may reproduce up to 200 words and then link back to the article on No permission is required to do this – see the Web reuse / Linking section below for full details about using 91av content online.
Textbooks and examination papers – we do charge for reprinting our articles in textbooks and examination papers. Please contact Tribune Content Agency at with details of your request to get a quote.
Web reuse/Linking
If you wish to use our content on your website or blog, you may reproduce up to 200 words and then link back to the article on No permission is required to do this.
Any website, blog or online entity reproducing more than 200 words of any article, graphic or video, without written permission from either 91av, its parent company or authorised syndication agents, is in breach of our copyright. We will take legal action if we find any website, blog or online entity has breached our copyright.
Permission to reproduce 91av content online, outside the fair usage policy detailed above, will only be granted in exceptional circumstances.
Email newsletters – if you wish to use a 91av article in your email newsletter you may reproduce up to 200 words and then link back to the article on Permission will be required to use more than 200 words, as detailed above – if you are a commercial organisation, or your email newsletter is for commercial purposes, a fee will apply should permission be granted.
91av does not hold the copyright to any photograph or piece of artwork that you see featured in the magazine or on the website. Therefore we are unable to distribute them or grant permission for their reuse. The source is usually credited alongside each photo/piece of artwork and you are encouraged to contact the copyright owner directly.
We are able to syndicate our in-house graphics/diagrams for reuse. If you would like to syndicate a graphic/diagram, please contact Tribune Content Agency at to get a quote and discuss further. Please supply: details of the graphic/diagram, the name of the article it relates to, if it appeared in print the date of the magazine issue, if online a link to the graphic/diagram as well as a link to the article it relates to.
You are free to embed the YouTube link to a video on your site. Hosting of 91av videos on websites by other means, including usage in any film, video or TV programme, requires permission from either 91av, our syndication agents, or the rights holder where 91av does not own the rights. The final frames of the video will usually give details of the copyright owner – you are encouraged to contact the copyright owner directly if 91av is not the rights holder.
For videos 91av owns the rights to, please contact Tribune Content Agency at to discuss permission and rates. Editing of videos, outside of taking excerpts, is not allowed without express permission.
We are happy for students to quote short extracts of our articles for their school/college coursework, as long as 91av is clearly credited as the source. You do not need to ask us for permission to do this. The above guidelines for Web reuse/Linking also applies to students – please consult the section above.
91av does not offer a translation service for any of its articles. Once you have received permission to syndicate an article as detailed in the sections above, if you wish to translate it you do not need our permission to do so, as long as the following statement appears alongside the translation: “(Title of magazine) agrees to indemnify 91av and 91av against any claim arising from incorrect or misleading translation”
If you have details of the article you would like to syndicate, please contact Tribune Content Agency at to receive a quote. For any other queries not answered above, please contact us here – please ensure you have read the information on this page before contacting us, as due to the volume of emails received, if your query is answered above you will not receive a response.